Title: | Designs by Doe, flowers, florist in Columbus, free delivery |
URL: | http://www.designsbydoe.com |
Category: | Shopping: Flowers |
Description: | florist in Columbus, unique floral design, gift baskets, corporate gifts, modern floral design, free delivery, exceptional and different flowers and orchids for birthday, hospital, and sympathy in Columbus and OSU area. |
Meta Keywords: | flowers,gift baskets,decorating,gourmet baskets,delivery,custom,candles,columbus,orchids,floral design,ohio state university,different,roses,birthday,sympathy,today,corporate gifts,modern,wedding,balloons,holiday,hospital |
Meta Description: | florist in Columbus, unique floral design, gift baskets, corporate gifts, modern floral design, free delivery, exceptional and different flowers and orchids for birthday, hospital, and sympathy in Columbus and OSU area. |
Pagerank: | 3 |