Title:GetUp Montgomery County
Category:Home & Family: Childcare
Description:GetUp is a community-wide effort to encourage kids to eat healthy and to participate in healthy activities. It’s about driving a culture change in Montgomery County where community partners make it easier for kids and families to implement the 5-2-1-Almost None method into their daily lives.
Meta Keywords:kids eat healthy,healthy activities,5-2-1-almost none,dayton health,montgomery county health,healthy community,healthier kids,healthier lifestyles
Meta Description:GetUp is a community-wide effort to encourage <a href="”http://www.getupmc.org/get-up-get-fit/nutrition/”">kids to eat healthy</a> and to participate in <a href="”http://www.getupmc.org/get-up-get-fit/physical-activities/”">healthy activities</a>. It’s about driving a culture change in Montgomery County where community partners make it easier for kids and families to implement the 5-2-1-Almost None method into their daily lives.