Title: | Max Television - Official IPL Channel Partner - Indian Movie Channel - Bollywood Channel of India |
URL: | http://www.maxtelevision.com |
Category: | Entertainment & Media: Television |
Description: | Max Television - The official IPL Channel partner, Set max brings you maximum entertainment along with live telecast of the Indian premier league on max tv and max tv online while showcasing the best bollywood movies of India. |
Meta Keywords: | bollywood tv india,indian movie channel,hindi movie channel,sony max live,setmax online,max tv india,max tv online,bollywood movie channel,online indian premier league,ipl channel partner |
Meta Description: | Max Television - The official IPL Channel partner, Set max brings you maximum entertainment along with live telecast of the Indian premier league on max tv and max tv online while showcasing the best bollywood movies of India. |
Pagerank: | 5 |