Title:Ocularist - artificial eye, Berliner Kunstaugen Institut
Category:Regional: Germany
Description:Information about eye prostheses (artificial eye), made of glass or plastic, glass or plastic eye eye called. Here you will find explanations and treatment information about this topic. The loss of an eye is a hard blow and hard to handle. Here you can find out about opportunities for informing prosthetic eyes. Also you will find here explanations for the job of Ocularisten. Berlin art Eye Institute
Meta Keywords:ocularist,artificial eye,eye prosthesis,glass eye,artificial eyes,eye protheses,künstliche augen,kunstauge,lost eye,verlust eines auges,kunstaugen,künstliches auge
Meta Description:artificial eyes, eye prostheses made of glass or plastic and Ocularist. Augenprothesen, hergestellt aus Glas ( Glasaugen ) oder Plastik ( Kunststoffaugen ), und Hersteller ( Ocularist ).