Title:Sacred Mint - Unique Christian Gifts
Category:Shopping: Gifts

The Sacred Mint is an e-commerce site that sells unique Christian gifts to the public. Each of their unique gifts has a story behind it that explains how it has helped to build the foundation of the Christian Faith. All gifts are hand picked by fellow Christians, ensuring that the gift is as exciting and spiritual as the story behind it.

Meta Keywords:christian,gifts,gift,store,shopping,shop,communion,confirmation,bookstore,jewelry,religious,statues,decor,christianity,christ,christmas
Meta Description:The Sacred Mint offers unique gifts for Christian living. Each gift has a full description of how the item assisted in building the foundation of Christianity. Each Christian gift is handpicked, to ensure that the story behind it is as amazing as the gift itself. The Sacred Mint doesn’t just sell gifts; they enlighten their visitors with the history of Christianity.