Title: | Slezak Realty Group of Raleigh, NC. |
URL: | http://slezakrealtygroup.com |
Category: | Business: Real Estate |
Description: | Phil Slezak, your Wake County realtor who is committed to providing you service beyond your expectations. Serving the Apex, Cary, Clayton, Garner Holly Springs, Morrisville, Raleigh, RTP, Wake Forest and the Wake County area. |
Meta Keywords: | slezak realty group of raleigh,nc.,real estate,phil slezak |
Meta Description: | Phil Slezak, your Wake County realtor who is committed to providing you service beyond your expectations. Serving the Apex, Cary, Clayton, Garner Holly Springs, Morrisville, Raleigh, RTP, Wake Forest and the Wake County area. |
Pagerank: | N/A |