Title:Thistle Products Scottish novelty gifts & souvenirs
Category:Shopping: Gifts
Description:Thistle Products is Scotland's leading specialist supplier of volume gifts and souvenirs for the tourist industry. From their factory in the heart of Bonnie Galloway, they invent, design, import and distribute their ideas throughout the country and abroad. Trade customers are offered next day delivery, telesales support, high quality point of sale and regular special offers.
Meta Keywords:scottish,novelty souvenir gifts,souvenirs,scottish tartan gift souvenirs,confectionery
Meta Description:Thistle Products is Scotland's leading specialist supplier of volume gifts and souvenirs for the tourist industry. From their factory in the heart of Bonnie Galloway, they invent, design, import and distribute their ideas throughout the country and abroad. Trade customers are offered next day delivery, telesales support, high quality point of sale and regular special offers.